

Growmi is set in a magical world inhabited by charming creatures who strive to develop and prosper their communities. The player becomes the new chieftain, and his task in the game is to restore the lost lands, create an ideal society and uncover the secrets of the world around him.


  • Green Forests
  • Flowering Fields
  • Snowy Mountains
  • Mysterious Caves


Growmi begins when the protagonist finds an ancient map pointing to the lost lands of her people. They were once a source of prosperity and happiness for everyone, but due to a mysterious catastrophe, they were abandoned. The girl of the game decides to go on a journey!

In the first stage of the game, you will collect resources such as wood, stones and other materials needed for construction. Users must plan their actions strategically in order to use limited materials efficiently. Every decision matters, as it determines the success of the team and further development in Growmi.

In this game, you will have to solve various tasks, such as constructing new buildings, growing plants and protecting your territories from dangerous creatures that threaten their peace. One of the features of Growmi is the ability to interact with others.


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